They encounter great beasts that lurk in the dark,Unfortunately not all shots find their intended mark This week the party continue to follow the arcana trail through a waterlogged dungeon…
Tag: Amy
Dark Tide 14. Rogues & Red Lyrium!
The ship is no more! But never fear, there is always shenanigans to uncover…Such as a peddlar selling incredibly shiny ‘rubies’…whispers *could these be red lyrium??*
From The Vault: Plummet 23. Of Sharks & Swirls
A new party member, a controller of bees,Wading through water with continued unease This week the party continue to follow the arcana trail through a waterlogged dungeon…
Dark Tide 13. Seadogs & Silences
Following the successful arrest, our intrepid recruits must head out to the ship that so scares an elf in custody…
From The Vault: Plummet 22. Scythes & Simian
A magical ring, a fresh blood trailTreacherous traps and a monkey in jail This week the party follow a magical trail down under some ruined buildings…
Dark Tide 12. Arson & Advocacy
Not particularly shaken by the loss of Jose, the rest of the party go to interrogate the suspected arsonist…
From The Vault: Plummet 21. Offal & Observation
A new player joins, a fire breaks outThe swamplands continue to be a dangerous route This week the party continue their journey through the Swamplands… The swamplands continue to be a dangerous route
Dark Tide 11. A Quarrel At The Lighthouse
After escaping from the fabrikin, mostly, our party land themselves near a lighthouse. Surely there’s only so many opportunities for chaos at a lighthouse, right?
From The Vault: Plummet 20. The Venture to Valdari
A new chapter begins, to the Swamplands they goWhere evil things lurk, and mushrooms glow This week the party take leave of the Realm of Rhynn and Head deep into the Swamplands of Valdari…
From The Vault: Plummet 19. Fiends & Forget-Me-Nots
Descending into the deeps, unravelling a taleConfronting the dark beasts whether furry or scale This week the party press onward through the cave’s hidden door…