Episode 40 – The Tale Of Snakes & Ladders

Between reptiles and vermin, they make their stand… Caught in the darkness, with a ladder in hand… http://traffic.libsyn.com/penancerpg/PRPG_Episode_40.mp3 This week, the party learn about the importance of ladders in everyday life… Why was Rivane on those wanted posters? Will the party agree to help the village? How much does Belry truly love Tensho? What is … “Episode 40 – The Tale Of Snakes & Ladders”

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Episode 39 – The Tale Of Drunken Dwarven Delving

A scene of slaughter; some barrels of booze… A misguided elf with no time to lose… http://traffic.libsyn.com/penancerpg/PRPG_Episode_39.mp3 This week, the party push on through an abandoned, dwarven settlement deep within the mountain. What caused such scenes of slaughter? Where did all the valuables go? Why does it feel like something is amiss? How will the … “Episode 39 – The Tale Of Drunken Dwarven Delving”

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Episode 38 – The Tale Of The Shindig In The Sewer

Vines & darkness; An ancient bell. What lies ahead in this shit-ridden hell? http://traffic.libsyn.com/penancerpg/PRPG_Episode_38.mp3 This week, the party attempt to escape from the city, via the sewers underneath. How will they disguise themselves from the guards? Where is all that noise coming from? What lurks under the green scummy water? Why is there an empty … “Episode 38 – The Tale Of The Shindig In The Sewer”

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Episode 37 – The Tale Of The Psyker

A troubled girl; a conspiracy in plot… Divulged by an illiterate, bumbling clot… http://traffic.libsyn.com/penancerpg/PRPG_Episode_371.mp3 Following last week’s discovery of a psyonic being inhabiting the princess of the realm, the party are contacted by a group who want to rid the kingdom of its presence. How can you stop her reading your thoughts? What is an … “Episode 37 – The Tale Of The Psyker”

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Episode 36 – The Tale Of The Scorned Demon

Of unrequited love, of final straws… A creature contained inside, with a psyonic maw… http://traffic.libsyn.com/penancerpg/PRPG_Episode_36.mp3 This week, the party encounter a behemoth siege engine, as well as its disgruntled owner… Why is he bombarding the city? Who is the cause behind it all? What, for that matter, can launch a 90kg rock over 300 metres?! … “Episode 36 – The Tale Of The Scorned Demon”

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Episode 35 – The Tale Told Down The Well

A folly choice; a trap! A kettle of their own making… An encounter with a crone, who’s heart is sorely breaking… http://traffic.libsyn.com/penancerpg/PRPG_Episode_35.mp3 This week the party encounter an old well in the middle of an abandoned battlefield. Who is the source of the cries from below? What will it take for the party to get … “Episode 35 – The Tale Told Down The Well”

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Episode 34 – The Tale of Equine Ascension

Another vendetta; a strange Ingredient; An enlarged beast, no longer obedient… http://traffic.libsyn.com/penancerpg/PRPG_Episode_34.mp3 This week, the party encounter a strange, old man who immediately takes issue with them… What is his problem? What secrets hide within his house? Why are there so many boxes? How do you calm down a gigantic, vengeful beast? And what fate … “Episode 34 – The Tale of Equine Ascension”

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Episode 33 – The Tale of the Wizard’s Invitation

The scholars of magic; the greatest in the land… Their inordinate bickering is getting out of hand…. http://traffic.libsyn.com/penancerpg/PRPG_Episode_33.mp3 This week, the party are drawn to an old academy by some dazzling, magical lights… What awaits them within this place? What happened to the mages who came before? What is the purpose of the dark and … “Episode 33 – The Tale of the Wizard’s Invitation”

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Episode 32 – The Tale of the Fallen City

A creature of legend; The Remnants of a cult… A fang-toothed victim; Pebbles and insults… http://traffic.libsyn.com/penancerpg/PRPG_Episode_321.mp3 This week, the party return to the city where they first encountered The Angel, Brian. What has caused such devastation? What lies in the remnants of the cathedral? What beasts now roam the sewers? Also: The Nameless Rogue finally … “Episode 32 – The Tale of the Fallen City”

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Episode 31 – The Tale of the Seeker

A start to the new season; a new addition to the cast. A time for reckoning from decisions of the past… http://traffic.libsyn.com/penancerpg/PRPG_Episode_311.mp3 This week, the party arrive through the demon portal, back in the North. What has happened since they were last here? What has become of The Cult Of Brian? What lurks in the … “Episode 31 – The Tale of the Seeker”

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