Plummet 8. The Searching Of The Spire

We Continue to Bring you – PLUMMET! This Week the Party are sent on a mission to search the manor house of former adviser, Baron Zachareth, Which lies atop the Frozen Spire Join us now as we bring forth this Behemoth… A fast paced comedy deathmatch with its strong dnd overtones. Prepare to Plummet

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The LIVE Dragonmeet Special 2018

Recorded in the Press Room at Dragonmeet 2018, We Bring you another Live one shot from the crazed minds of Penance RPG: An Old Friend sends you a Letter inviting you to attend a gathering at his manor house…  This Episode features Special Guest Appearances from: Adam From RPG Kitchen Phoebos From Hercules Games Studios Nuno Teixeira From the London RPG … “The LIVE Dragonmeet Special 2018”

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