In early 2019, Amy’s birthday saw a bizarre comedy rpg one-shot take place. This saw many transformations and transfigurations, using Rory’s Story Cubes: Animalia, each player became an animal. The players then had an eclectic adventure as they travelled up from the dungeon cell…
Note: this episode contains many references to other Penance RPG series.
Kireen the Elongated refers to Plummet: Falling in the Dark ep. 16 – ‘Dragons & Drama’
Amy/Meg can be found @MegThePict on Twitter
Amy – Mad Munchkin Art & Illustration on youtube & @AmyMethvenArt on Twitter
Additionally, you can find the Story Cubes: Animalia at your Friendly Local Game Store (FLGS), or support us using this affiliate link
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All Music Was Written & Performed by Daniel Boström
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