2115 Ep. 0 Introductions

New Series Announcement This Sunday will see the release of our new series – 2115  A post-apocalyptic survival tale in classic Penance RPG style, you can listen to episode 0 today.  And discover the world behind the story here. Where To Find Furture Episodes Of 2115? The tale begins this Sunday on all podcasting apps … “2115 Ep. 0 Introductions”

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Ramblecast 6. “Sorry Elijah Wood”

Serial Killers & #AllTheHorror This week, we actually managed to start recording Plummet 45.. and then the discord server went down midway through. and the episode came to a screeching halt..  So instead this week, we dove back into the Ramblecast box and found something we recorded as part of #AllTheHorror 2019 for our friends … “Ramblecast 6. “Sorry Elijah Wood””

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