So this is hopefully the start of our new existence. Moving out of the old WordPress site onto this shiny new site designed by Mads.
We’re aiming to have moved all the WordPress stuff over before this website is properly advertised on our FB/Twitter but in case there’s still some “under construction” pages up here’s a list of what we are planning to have live:
About the RPG: Here you can find the information about the podcast itself, a brief history, when the next episode is due and where to find it
The Characters: Detailed character descriptions written by the players themselves.
The Tales so far… : A Brief written description of what happened each episode
In the future, we hope to add blog-style sections including one written by myself and one by Ellie. Some of the other players may also become regular contributors as time goes on.
In the Meantime, Thanks to Mads for building the site and i’ll get back to writing.